
A comprehensive analysis of competency and training perspectives among air traffic controllers

    Ertan Çinar Affiliation
    ; Arif Tuncal Affiliation


The aim of the study was to examine air traffic controllers’ perspectives on competency, performance, and training. Analysing data from 182 participants, the results revealed a strong focus on competency with the controllers actively evaluating their skills. Notably, the experienced controllers (19+ years) displayed a heightened commitment to continuous learning, reflected in their higher participation in individual training and perception of its value for their career goals and adaptation to the evolving aviation industry. Competency-based training programs also received positive feedback across experience levels, highlighting their potential effectiveness. Moreover, training was universally perceived as key to performance throughout careers. These results highlighted the importance of fostering a culture of continuous learning within air traffic control (ATC) communities. Aviation authorities can support this by providing diverse training opportunities, including individual and competency-based programs. Future research should continue investigating the impact of technological advancements and AI/machine learning on ATC competencies, the effectiveness of competency-based training programs, and the role of individual training in competency development, ultimately ensuring the vital role of air traffic controllers in aviation safety.

Keyword : air traffic controller, aviation, competency, training, performance

How to Cite
Çinar, E., & Tuncal, A. (2024). A comprehensive analysis of competency and training perspectives among air traffic controllers. Aviation, 28(2), 54–63.
Published in Issue
May 28, 2024
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