
Investigation of the residual tropospheric error influence on the coordinate determination accuracy in a satellite landing system

    Oleksandr Kutsenko   Affiliation
    ; Svitlana Ilnytska   Affiliation
    ; Valeriy Konin   Affiliation


This paper presents the results of the investigation of the residual tropospheric error influence on coordinate determination in a GNSS landing system. The ICAO recommended methodology for residual tropospheric error calculation is taken as a basis for the present research. Special attention is paid to the troposphere refractivity index and troposphere scale height, which are derived from the well-known troposphere refraction MOPS model. A computer simulation is performed for them for the whole year and the northern hemisphere latitudes. Hardware in the loop simulation has been performed to complement the computer simulation study and investigate the situation with the residual tropospheric error calculation for the experimental GNSS satellites configuration. The experimental measurement session with a duration of about 9 hours is recorded to obtain the configuration of real navigation satellites The residual tropospheric error in meters is calculated for each navigation satellite visible during the experiment. The authors investigate the residual tropospheric error influence on the accuracy of the coordinates determined in the GNSS landing system.

Keyword : global navigation satellite system (GNSS), landing system, ground based augmentation system (GBAS), residual tropospheric error, refraction index, scale height, computer simulation

How to Cite
Kutsenko, O., Ilnytska, S., & Konin, V. (2018). Investigation of the residual tropospheric error influence on the coordinate determination accuracy in a satellite landing system. Aviation, 22(4), 156-165.
Published in Issue
Dec 14, 2018
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