
The Impact of ICT education on GDP evolution at local level. A Romanian case study

    Dimitrie-Daniel Plăcintă Affiliation
    ; Andrei Toma Affiliation
    ; Lorena Bătăgan Affiliation
    ; Corina-Marina Mirea Affiliation
    ; Florin-Valeriu Pantelimon Affiliation


Purpose – This article focusses on the impact generated on GDP growth by the number of graduates in the ICT domain of Romanian counties in the period 2014–2020.

Research methodology – We have collected the number of ICT graduates, the GDP per inhabitant in EUR per Romanian county, the number of ICT employees, the number of information service activities employees from the National Institute of Statistics (Romania) and Eurostat. Additionally, we consolidate the correlation matrix and regression analysis for previous statistics indicators.

Findings – We have revealed a strong correlation (85,77%) between the number of ICT graduates and the GDP per inhabitant in EUR per Romanian county, and very strong correlations between the number of ICT graduates and the number of ICT employees (94,80%) and the number of employees of information service activities (97,38%).

Research limitations – The data set from the National Institute of Statistics (Romania) does not contain entries for every county, due to its statistical methodology, and other socioeconomic phenomena which contribute to the development of the ICT field were just enumerated, such as natality, immigration, and emigration.

Practical implications – The study revealed that investment in ICT education (number of graduates) contributes to the local prosperity of communities, counties, and, in general, at the national level as GDP growth. Romanian government can utilize the outcomes of this paper to engage additional resources, funds from Ministry of Education, to develop a long-lived learning culture of ICT skills for the entire population.

Originality/Value – The article methodologically highlights the most important ICT hubs in Romania, which are correlated with the existence of an ICT educational infrastructure (high schools and universities) and the measure of impact on GDP growth for the number of highly skilled graduates in the ICT domain. The selected national and European indicators contributed to the novelty of this study.

Keyword : ICT education, GDP growth, impact, regional development, ICT employees, Romania

How to Cite
Plăcintă, D.-D., Toma, A., Bătăgan, L., Mirea, C.-M., & Pantelimon, F.-V. (2024). The Impact of ICT education on GDP evolution at local level. A Romanian case study. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 22(1), 156–173.
Published in Issue
May 24, 2024
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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