Modeling of the reinforcement polarization range in corrosion tests
This paper presents the results of modeling of the potential distribution in DC corrosion tests with the application of the ANSYS Maxwell software in two models: in the form of a single long bar covered with concrete and in the shape of a fragment of the bar cut out together with the core. Material parameters used for input in the ANSYS Maxwell software were adopted from tests performed in aqueous solutions. The results of the simulation led to the conclusion that the corrosion tests on the cores cut out from the structure are universal so that regardless of the concrete conductivity and the advancement of steel corrosion processes they produce correct values of the corrosion rate. Meanwhile, the measurements taken within the structure will always require some measures to limit the range of polarization or allow its estimation.
Keyword : reinforced concrete structures, reinforcing steel, polarization resistance method, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, finite element method, modeling of potential distribution

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