
Comparing laboratory dynamic modulus values with long term pavement performance predictions

    A. S. M. Asifur Rahman Affiliation
    ; Rafiqul A. Tarefder Affiliation


This study compares laboratory dynamic modulus value of Superpave mixes with the dynamic modulus obtained from Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database. The comparison shows that the dynamic modulus from LTPP database, which were determined by using different types of artificial neural network (ANN) models, differs from the laboratory tested dynamic modulus. The dynamic modulus data of five LTPP test sections are considered. Mixes similar to those five sections were collected from the field and tested in the laboratory. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that dynamic modulus from ANN models are less than the laboratory dynamic modulus for New Mexico Superpave mixes. Therefore, as an important design parameter, the use of dynamic modulus predicted from Neural Network models can result in outcomes different from those using laboratory dynamic modulus.

Keyword : asphalt concrete, dynamic modulus, mastercurve, long term pavement performance, hot-mix asphalt, shift factor, asphalt binder, performance grade, Superpave mixes

How to Cite
Rahman, A. S. M. A., & Tarefder, R. A. (2014). Comparing laboratory dynamic modulus values with long term pavement performance predictions. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 6(2), 86-94.
Published in Issue
Dec 6, 2014
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