
Application of data from the cone calorimeter for analyses of the impact of a flame retardant applied on polymer material subjected to combustion on changes in smoke logging within a confined space

    Marek Konecki Affiliation
    ; Marzena Półka Affiliation
    ; Norbert Tuśnio Affiliation
    ; Mečislavas Griškevičius Affiliation


The paper makes an analysis of the impact of flame retardants on parameters of thermal energy emission and smoke from polymer materials specified with the use of a cone calorimeter and on parameters of the smoke logging zones in a model scheme of compartments. Polymer construction materials modified and without modification by flame retardants, such as oak wood, epoxy resins based on Epidian 5 as well as such equipping materials as polyurethane foams were selected as research materials. On the basis of the conducted analyses, a positive correlation was achieved between the parameters obtained with the use of a cone calorimeter and parameters of smoke logging based on bi-zonal modelling for a simple model scheme of two compartments.

Keyword : flame retardants, heat release rate, smoke, visibility range

How to Cite
Konecki, M., Półka, M., Tuśnio, N., & Griškevičius, M. (2014). Application of data from the cone calorimeter for analyses of the impact of a flame retardant applied on polymer material subjected to combustion on changes in smoke logging within a confined space. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 5(4), 167-174.
Published in Issue
May 8, 2014
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