Analysis of shear design recommendations for FRP reinforced concrete beams
Research shows that most shear design models for concrete beams reinforced with FRP reinforcement provide conservative results that leads to excessive amounts of reinforcement and increased overall cost of such construction. This paper presents comparative analysis of current shear design models for concrete beams reinforced with longitudinal FRP reinforcement and FRP stirrups. New analytical shear design model, developed by Valivonis et al., has been included in the analysis. A database with 88 specimens reinforced with FRP reinforcement was compiled in order to verify the accuracy of the proposed model by Valivonis et al. It is shown that proposed shear design model yields quite accurate and consistent results as an average of Vexp / Vpred values is 0.98 and coefficient of variation is 26.0% for this model.
Keyword : shear strength, fiber reinforced polymer bar, stirrup, reinforced concrete

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