
Strength and stability of bent and compressed boundary supports of membrane roofs

    Yevhen Gorokhov Affiliation
    ; Vladimir Mushchanov Affiliation
    ; Igor Romensky Affiliation


The design-basis is an idea of presentation of bent and compressed a boundary support unit in the form of a beam on elastic base where a tensile membrane as an elastic base is continuously connected with a boundary support along its full length. Effective building factors of a cross section for a boundary support and a membrane, values of space-stiffness factors are obtained for conditions of Ukraine. Similar numerical research carried out for membrane roof on circular layout together with relative stiffness factors, sag and a lateral load enables to make some aspects of analytical technique of calculation for strength and stability analysis more precise.

Article in English.

Membraninių stogų lenkiamo ir gniuždomo atraminio kontūro stiprumas ir pastovumas

Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas lenkiamas ir gniuždomas membraninių stogų atraminis kontūras. Jis nagrinėjamas kaip sija ant tampriojo pagrindo, visu kontūru sujungtas su tempiamąja membrana. Membrana ir atraminio kontūro skerspjūvis apskaičiuoti Ukrainos sąlygoms. Panašūs skaitiniai eksperimentai atlikti ir su sukimo kevalu, imant panašias charakteristikas (elementų standumus, išlinkius, šonines apkrovas), siekiant atlikti tikslesnę stiprumo ir standumo skaičiavimo metodų analizę.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: membraniniai stogaiatraminis kontūrasstiprumaspastovumas.

First Published Online: 16 May 2013

Keyword : membrane roofs, boundary support, strength, stability

How to Cite
Gorokhov, Y., Mushchanov, V., & Romensky, I. (2011). Strength and stability of bent and compressed boundary supports of membrane roofs. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 3(1), 41-49.
Published in Issue
Mar 31, 2011
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