Integrated computer – aided design of building structures
With the growth of information technologies in the field of computer-aided design, the concept of CAD acquires new meaning and changes the contents. More and more a new definitions, i.e. Building Information Modeling - BIM, Fabrication Information Modeling - FIM, Integrated Structural Modeling - ISM, Building Lifecycle Management - PLM and others are encountered, the concept of which may be described as way to develop the strategy of building project design, construction, and maintenance management based on the computer aided modeling and simulation technologies. Examine BIM application in building design process it can be assumed that of object modeling and simulation technique comprises a full range of actions starting from the development of virtual model of the project under consideration, describing all physical parameters characteristic of a real structure, defining the conditions of its position. Then analysis of model behavior under real maintenance conditions is performed: effects of different character are described and the results obtained are analyzed. The results received by next step are presented in common technical documentation form: general arrangement and erection drawings are generated, final detailing of connections and structural elements in the form of shop drawing or NC code is performed, bill of materials, cut lists, various reports, specifications and estimates are composed. During the last five years there is strong request from the market for the state-of-the-art computer-aided design applications developed to meet the needs and requirements of the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction as well as Plant, Process, and Power industries, for high performance, flexible and versatile tools with extended graphics integration to simulation and analysis systems within a user-friendly design environment that allows the close emulation of natural design phases and workflow to which structural are accustomed. This could became possible due to the innovative development of ‘new generation’ structural software application capable to maintain an intelligent and true 3D real-world simulated structure containing all the information required for the general and detailed design, fabrication and construction of engineering structures, enabling designers to operate intuitively in the adaptive high-performance real-time visual modeling environment while simultaneously achieving high-quality results by applying powerful simulation, analysis and optimization methods which would guarantee a rational and effective choice of the constructive decision. It has to be flexible to enable external best of breed vertical market products to be linked to the application and hence creating an open design environment; this enables members of a workgroup to collaborate effectively, performing the multiple tasks associated with construction design.
Article in Lithuanian.
Statybinių konstrukcijų integruotas automatizuotas projektavimas
Santrauka. Straipsnyje aptariamos šiuolaikinės statybinių konstrukcijų automatizuoto projektavimo sistemos, jų privalumai visais statybos objekto gyvavimo etapais. Šiuolaikinė statybinių konstrukcijų projektavimo metodologija paremta grafinio informacinio modelio (BIM) koncepcija, kai kuriamas virtualus trimatis objekto modelis. Standartinis projekto dokumentų rinkinys generuojamas tiesiog iš bendrojo pastato trimačio modelio. Viena iš svarbiausių projekto dalių – tai statybinių konstrukcijų skaičiavimas ir analizė. Naudojant integracijos tarp grafinių platformų ir skaičiavimo sistemų galimybes, statybinių konstrukcijų ir jungčių skaičiavimas ir detali analizė gali būti plėtojama dviem kryptimis: perkeliant modelį kaip supaprastintą strypinę schemą arba kaip fizinį modelį su jam būdingais geometriniais ir fiziniais rodikliais.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: statybinės konstrukcijos, automatizuoto projektavimo sistemos, objekto grafinis informacinis modelis, konstrukcijų analizė.
First Published Online: 16 May 2013
Keyword : building structures, computer aided – design systems, building information modeling, structural analysis

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