
Real estate valuation models performance in price prediction

    Adela Deaconu   Affiliation
    ; Anuța Buiga Affiliation
    ; Helga Tothăzan   Affiliation


Using a sample of 900 apartments from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, containing selling transactions for the second semester of 2019, and data for 33 locational, physical and neighbourhood-related attributes (socio-cultural, environmental, and urbanism related), our research objective is to test the performance in price prediction, and hence the utility, of the Artificial Neural Networking (ANN), as artificial intelligence model versus the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), as a regression model. By contributing to an ongoing debate, our empirical findings confirm the results of a predominant group of earlier studies, namely the superiority of ANN. Precisely, we found that ANN can better predict selling prices and provides stability of results. Additionally, we addressed the critiques related to the transparency of results, showing that ANN also has the ability to illustrate the significance of the different attributes of real estate, if appropriate statistical indicators are used. These findings can serve the different real estate valuation purposes, including that of the review of valuation reports.

Keyword : real estate, valuation reports review, artificial neural networking, price prediction

How to Cite
Deaconu, A., Buiga, A., & Tothăzan, H. (2022). Real estate valuation models performance in price prediction. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 26(2), 86-105.
Published in Issue
Feb 11, 2022
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