
Criteria for the definition of indicators in architectural learning in the Design Studio through the use of the e-portfolio


The objective of this research is to identify, within the context of teaching-learning through the Design Studio, factors and criteria which may support the construction of architectural indicators of learning in students. This may be achieved through the integrated analysis of the evidences of learning included in the e-portfolio, using the traditional learning process as a complement in the Design Studio. This research is of mixed type and includes an exploratory sequential design of longitudinal type that ran through a period of six consecutive semesters. The results obtained show the full potential of objectual and collaborative evidences contained in the e-portfolio, in order to reflect the presence of architectural learning elements, as well as the presence of factors and features specific to the context and dynamics of the learningteaching process, which may result in an approach to the construction of potential architectural indicators of learning.

Keyword : Design Studio, e-portfolio, evidence, learning process, indicators of learning, evidence of learning

How to Cite
Roco, M. ., & Barberà, E. (2020). Criteria for the definition of indicators in architectural learning in the Design Studio through the use of the e-portfolio. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 44(1), 52-62.
Published in Issue
Apr 17, 2020
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