Firms’ export performance: a fractional econometric approach
Export activities have become crucial to firms’ competitiveness, with determinants of export performance being a challenging field of research, since there is no consensus regarding the explained and explanatory variables or on the econometric methods to be used. Using a panel data of Portuguese wine firms, this paper aims to contribute to this debate, combining both resource- and institutional-based views of the firm. This paper tries to overcome the methodological hurdle, addressing sample selection issues and considering the fractional response nature of export performance. Given the pros and cons of each econometric approach, the Heckman selection model, the fractional probit model and the two-part fractional response model are estimated, and the results compared. From a public policy perspective, the results show that policies that promote wine firm size, labor productivity and wine promotion in third countries have a positive impact on export performance at firm-level. Age does not appear as a key factor on the internationalization of Portuguese wine firms.
Keyword : resource-based view, institutional-based view, fractional response variables, sample selection, two-part model, panel data, Portuguese wine industry

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