Vol 24 No 5 (2023)

Published: 2023-12-18


Innovation, coopetition and spillover effects in European regions

Irina Alina Popescu, Paulo Reis Mourao, Yuriy Bilan
Abstract 633 | PDF Downloads 523 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2023.19890

Page 818–840

The effects of international logistics in global value chain trade

Petra Adelajda Zaninović, Filip Ž. Bugarčić
Abstract 853 | PDF Downloads 723 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2023.20443

Page 841–856

Business recovery and institutional constraints: evidence from Visegrad Countries and Serbia

Gentjan Çera, Khurram Ajaz Khan, Judit Olah, Zdenko Metzker
Abstract 537 | PDF Downloads 391 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2023.20238

Page 877–900

The role of financial intelligence quotient and financial literacy for paving a path towards financial well-being

Algita Miečinskienė, Jelena Stankevičienė, Daiva Jurevičienė, Kamilė Taujanskaitė, Irena Danilevičienė, Laura Gudelytė-Žilinskienė
Abstract 1220 | PDF Downloads 1569 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2023.20648

Page 901–922