
A science mapping approach based review of model predictive control for smart building operation management

    Jun Wang Affiliation
    ; Jianli Chen Affiliation
    ; Yuqing Hu Affiliation


Model predictive control (MPC) for smart building operation management has become an increasingly popular and important topic in the academic community. Based on a total of 202 journal articles extracted from Web of Science, this study adopted a science mapping approach to conduct a holistic review of the literature sample. Chronological trends, contributive journal sources, active scholars, influential documents, and frequent keywords of the literature sample were identified and analyzed using science mapping. Qualitative discussions were also conducted explore in details the objectives and data requirements of MPC implementation, different modeling approaches, common optimization methods, and associated model constraints. Three research gaps and future directions of MPC were presented: the selection and establishment of MPC central model, the capability and security of processing massive data, and the involvement of human factors. This study provides a big picture of existing research on MPC for smart building operations and presents findings that can serve as comprehensive guides for researchers and practitioners to connect current research with future trends.

Keyword : model predictive control (MPC), building operation management, science mapping, literature review

How to Cite
Wang, J., Chen, J., & Hu, Y. (2022). A science mapping approach based review of model predictive control for smart building operation management. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 28(8), 661–679.
Published in Issue
Oct 26, 2022
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