
MCDM model for critical selection of building and insulation materials for optimising energy usage and environmental effect in production focus

    Alptekin Ulutaş   Affiliation
    ; Figen Balo   Affiliation
    ; Katarina Mirković   Affiliation
    ; Željko Stević   Affiliation
    ; Mohamed M. H. Mostafa Affiliation


In the context of sustainable buildings, an ecological study of building and insulating materials is critical since it may assist affirm or shift the path of new technology development. Utilising sustainable material is a part of the sustainable improvement. For this reason, material fabrication is the primary process for the energy usage and release of intense environmental gaseous. The fabrication of the insulation and building materials, as in every fabrication process, comprises an energy consumption of crude materials in addition to the pollutants’ release. In buildings, insulation is a relevant technological resolution for cutting energy usage. This study aims to assess the primary energy consumption and the environmental effects of the fabrication of building and thermal isolation materials by using a new hybrid MCDM model. The proposed new hybrid MCDM model includes Fuzzy FUCOM, CCSD and CRADIS methods. While the subjective weights of the criteria were determined with the fuzzy FUCOM method, the objective weights of the criteria were determined with the CCSD method. Construction materials were listed with the CRADIS method. According to the fuzzy FUCOM method, the most important criterion was determined as the CR3 criterion, while the most important criterion according to the CCSD method was determined as the CR1 criterion. According to the combined weights, the most important criterion was determined as the CR3 criterion. According to the CRADIS method, the material with the best performance was determined as Cement Plaster. The methodology used in this study is a novel approach therefore it has not been used in any study before. In addition, since the CRADIS method is a newly developed MCDM method, the number of articles related to this method is low. Therefore, this research gap will be filled with this study.

Keyword : building and insulation materials, environmental effect, energy usage, material production, Fuzzy FUCOM, CCSD, CRADIS, sustainability

How to Cite
Ulutaş, A., Balo, F., Mirković, K., Stević, Željko, & Mostafa, M. M. H. (2023). MCDM model for critical selection of building and insulation materials for optimising energy usage and environmental effect in production focus. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 29(7), 587–603.
Published in Issue
Aug 23, 2023
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