
A new synthesis method of structural, technological and safety decisions (SyMAD-3)

    Ruta Simanaviciene Affiliation
    ; Rita Liaudanskiene Affiliation
    ; Leonas Ustinovichius Affiliation


The paper provides a new synthesis method of multiple attribute decisions (SyMAD-3 – Synthesis of Multiple Attribute Decisions using three methods) intended for combining multi-stage and multiple attribute decisions into a single common estimate. The method is applied for selecting a construction project on the basis of its structural, technological and safety decisions. To increase the reliability of the decision, three multiple attribute decision-making methods based on quantitative measurements were applied to help the person making a decision to monitor the results of a relevant decision obtained employing three methods of the same class. The algorithm of the proposed method includes methods for identifying the integrated significances of attributes and multiple attribute decision-making methods (SAW – Simple Additive Weighting, TOPSIS – Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, and COPRAS – COmplex PRoportional ASsessment) based on quantitative measurements.

Naujas konstrukcinių, technologinių ir saugos sprendimų sintezės metodas (SyMAD-3)

Santrauka. Šiame darbe autoriai pateikia naują daugiakriterinių sprendimų sintezės metodą (SyMAD-3 – Synthesis of Multiple Attribute Decisions using three methods), skirtą daugiapakopiams, daugiatiksliams sprendimams apjungti į vieną bendrą įvertį. Metodas taikomas statybos projektui parinkti atsižvelgiant į konstrukcinius, technologinius ir saugos sprendimus. Sprendimo patikimumui padidinti taikomi trys kiekybiniais matavimais pagrįsti daugiatiksliai sprendimo priėmimo metodai, kuriais remdamasis sprendimą priimantis asmuo gali stebėti jam aktualaus sprendimo rezultatus, gautus trimis metodais, priklausančiais tai pačiai klasei. Pateikto metodo algoritme taikomi efektyvumo rodiklių integruoto reikšmingumo nustatymo ir daugiatiksliai sprendimo priėmimo (SAW – Simple Additive Weighting, TOPSIS – Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, COPRAS – COmplex PRoportional ASsessment) metodai, pagrįsti kiekybiniais matavimais.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: daugiakriteriniai metodaidaugiatiksliai sprendimo priėmimo metodaistatybatechnologinisarchitektūrinissaugossprendimų sintezės metodaipatikimumas.

Keyword : multiple criteria, multiple attribute decision making methods, construction, technological, architectural, safety, decision synthesis, reliability

How to Cite
Simanaviciene, R., Liaudanskiene, R., & Ustinovichius, L. (2012). A new synthesis method of structural, technological and safety decisions (SyMAD-3). Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18(2), 265-276.
Published in Issue
Apr 2, 2012
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