
Living with floods and reconnecting to the water – landscape planning and design for delta plains

    Yan Huang Affiliation
    ; Eckart Lange Affiliation
    ; Yichao Ma Affiliation


Although there is a consensus that landscape planning and design can play a positive role in flood mitigation, few specific reviews have explored how the strategies of landscape architecture could play a more effective and beneficial role in flood control. Focusing on the related knowledge about hydraulics, ecology, and practices of flood control, the paper explores the application of resilience theory on providing an improved theoretical framework for landscape planning and design for floods, especially for floods in delta plains, and highlights characteristics of different scales of flood control to landscape architecture. Three main types of technical means are discussed: water channel morphology and processes adjustment; riparian corridor and riparian buffer; and flood-specific landscape structural measures.

Keyword : flood control, flood resilience, landscape resilience, delta plain floods, landscape planning, landscape design

How to Cite
Huang, Y., Lange, E., & Ma, Y. (2022). Living with floods and reconnecting to the water – landscape planning and design for delta plains. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 30(1), 206-219.
Published in Issue
Apr 22, 2022
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