
A neural network noise prediction model for Tehran urban roads

    Ali Mansourkhaki Affiliation
    ; Mohammadjavad Berangi Affiliation
    ; Majid Haghiri Affiliation
    ; Mohammadreza Haghani Affiliation


Over the last decades, the number of motor vehicles has increased dramatically in Iran, where different traffic characteristics and urban structures are notable. In the present study, a multilayer perceptron neural network model trained with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was used for predicting the equivalent sound level (LAeq) originating from traffic. Fifty-one samples were collected from different areas of Tehran. Input parameters consisted of total traffic volume per hour, average speed of vehicles, percentage of each category of vehicles, road gradient, density of buildings around the road section and a new parameter named “Building Reflection Factor”. These data were randomly used with 80, 10 and 10 percentiles respectively for training, validation and testing of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Results yielded by the ANN model were compared with field measurement data, a proposed regression model and some classical well-known models. Our study indicated that the prediction error of the neural network model was much less than that of the regression model and other classical models. Moreover, a statistical t-test was applied for evaluating the goodness-of-fit of the proposed model and proved that the neural network model is highly efficient in estimating road traffic noise levels.

Keyword : artificial neural network, ANN, traffic noise prediction, modeling, building reflection, building density

How to Cite
Mansourkhaki, A., Berangi, M., Haghiri, M., & Haghani, M. (2018). A neural network noise prediction model for Tehran urban roads. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 26(2), 88-97.
Published in Issue
Jun 25, 2018
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