Research on the influence of an acoustic field on particle cohesion in liquid
Iron is one of the most common natural elements. When iron concentration in water is more than 0,3 mg/l, it causes the formation of rust drain tag or changes the colour of the fabric during washing. Thus, the use of the acoustic field to improve water quality is a very relevant topic. Acoustic oscillations are currently widely used in various industrial sectors, including water treatment, metallurgy, chemical and food industry, equipment manufacturing and medicine. When materials are affected by acoustic fields, physical-chemical processes begin. Acoustic fields cause material dispersion, emulsification, coagulation and degassing (gas removal) as well as influence the crystallization and melting processes. Acoustic vibrations may also cause various chemical transformations such as oxidation, polymerization processes and depolymerisation. The utilization of acoustics to enhance water oxidation and precipitation of coarse impurities further extends the scope of the use of this physical method.
Article in Lithuanian.
Akustinio lauko įtaka dalelių sukibimui skystyje
Santrauka. Lietuvos požeminiame vandenyje geležis yra svarbiausias komponentas, pažeidžiantis geriamojo vandens kokybės normatyvinius reikalavimus, todėl tiriamas akustinio lauko naudojimas šioms dalelėms sukibti skystyje. Šiuo metu garso virpesiai yra plačiai taikomi įvairiose pramonės šakose: metalurgijoje, chemijos ir maisto pramonėje, gaminant įrenginius ir medicinoje. Akustikos naudojimas oksidacijos procesui vandenyje sustiprinti, nusodinant stambiąsias priemaišas, dar labiau išplečia šio fizikinio metodo taikymo sritį.
Raktiniai žodžiai: akustinis laukas; garso dažnis; koaguliacija
Keyword : acoustic field, sound frequency, coagulation

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