A novel EDAS based method for multiple attribute group decision making with Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic information
In this article, we combine some fundamental theories of the Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic sets (P2TLSs) with EDAS method and design the Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic number (P2TLN) EDAS (P2TLN-EDAS) method for multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) issue. Firstly, the basic concepts of P2TLSs are introduced. Next, two aggregation operators of P2TLN are defined, and then the calculation steps of EDAS method are listed briefly. Furthermore, P2TLN-EDAS method is given for MAGDM problems and computing steps are proposed in detail. Finally, a computational example related to construction safety assessment is used to expound the effectiveness of the designed method. Meanwhile, we also carried out some comparative analysis between P2TLN-EDAS method and P2TLWA/P2TLWG operators and another P2TLN-TODIM method. The results show that P2TLN-EDAS method derives the same best alternative as P2TLWA, P2TLWG operators and P2TLN-TODIM method.
First published online 24 September 2020
Keyword : MAGDM, P2TLSs, EDAS method, P2TLN-EDAS method, construction project

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