
Sustainable digital transformation: the nexus between ICT and global green economic growth

    Yiwen Li Affiliation
    ; Xia Li Affiliation
    ; Xiaojuan Wang Affiliation
    ; Chao Feng Affiliation


As a new engine to promote global economic and social development, information and communication technology (ICT) plays a key role in the field of modern economy. The aim of this paper is to investigate the nexus between ICT and green total factor productivity (GTFP) on a global scale. An extended data envelopment analysis model (DEA), named WINDOWS-US-SBM, was constructed for calculating the GTFP of 65 countries from 2007 to 2019. This paper empirically analyzes the spatial effect and the transmission mechanism of ICT development on GTFP in countries from different income groups. The results show a prominent imbalance between ICT development and GTFP in various countries. ICT can effectively improve GTFP and play a crucial role in lower middle-income countries. The development of ICT can improve GTFP through technological progress, energy intensity, and trade openness. This paper is helpful to provide policy guidance for the development of ICT and give a new perspective of global green development.

First published online 20 May 2024

Keyword : WINDOWS-US-SBM model, ICT development, spatial Durbin model, threshold model, global green development

How to Cite
Li, Y., Li, X., Wang, X., & Feng, C. (2024). Sustainable digital transformation: the nexus between ICT and global green economic growth. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(5), 1275–1305.
Published in Issue
Jul 9, 2024
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