Modeling and estimating the capacity of urban transportation network with rapid transit
To study the impact of the rapid transit on the capacity of current urban transportation system, a two-mode network capacity model, including the travel modes of automobile and transit, is developed based on the well-known road network capacity model. It considers that the travel demand accompanying with the regional development will increase in a variable manner on the trip distribution, of which the travel behavior is represented using the combined model split/trip distribution/traffic assignment model. Additionally, the choices of the travel routes, trip destinations and travel modes are formulated as a hierarchical logit model. Using this combined travel demand model in the lower level, the network capacity problem is formulated as a bi-level programming problem. The latest technique of sensitivity analysis is employed for the solution of the bi-level problem in a heuristic search. Numerical computations are demonstrated on an example network, and the before-and-after comparisons of building the new transit lines on the integrated transportation network are shown by the results.
Keyword : multimode network capacity, rapid transit, combined travel demand model, hierarchical logit model, heuristics

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