A new methodology for treating problems in the field of traffic safety: case study of Libyan cities
Traffic safety is an area of great importance, since there are many traffic accidents every day in which a significant number of people are killed. Defining certain strategies and identifying potentially the most dangerous towns and cities regarding this area are, on the one hand, a necessity, and, on the other hand, a challenge. In this paper, integrated Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model for ranking cities in Libya from the aspect of traffic safety has been proposed. The model implies a set of 8 criteria on the basis of which 5 decision-makers rated the 10 most deprived cities in Libya. The Full Consistency Model (FUCOM) in combination with the rough Dombi aggregator is used to determine the significance of the criteria. The Rough Simple Additive Weighting (R-SAW) method is used to rank the alternatives. The rough Dombi aggregator is also used for averaging in group decision-making while evaluating the alternatives. The stability of the model and the obtained results has been verified by the sensitivity analysis, which implies a 2-phase procedure. In the 1st phase, rough Additive Ratio Assessment (R-ARAS), Rough Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (R-WASPAS), Rough Complex Proportional Assessment (R-COPRAS) and Rough Multi-Attributive Border Approximation-area Comparison (R-MABAC) methods are applied. The 2nd phase implies changing the parameter ρ in the procedure of rough Dombi aggregator, while the 3rd phase includes the calculation of Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient (SCC) that shows a high correlation of ranks.
Keyword : FUCOM, traffic safety, R-SAW, MCDM, rough Dombi aggregator, traffic accidents

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