Fatigue and brittle fracture of carbon steel of gas and oil pipelines
The areas of low frequency and corrosion fatigue for basic metal and welding joints of oil and gas pipelines have been determined on the basis of corrosion-fatigue test results. The most dangerous diapasons of the operation loadings were also determined. The present work also proposes the methodical approaches to the survivability prediction.
First Published Online: 11 Oct 2013
Keyword : oil and gas pipelines, fatigue, failure, residual life, degradation, risk, fracture
How to Cite
Maruschak, P., Poberezhny, L., & Pyrig, T. (2013). Fatigue and brittle fracture of carbon steel of gas and oil pipelines. Transport, 28(3), 270-275. https://doi.org/10.3846/16484142.2013.829782

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