
Design revisions of complex building structures: work experience in Lithuania, legislative, organizational and technical aspects

    Michail Samofalov Affiliation
    ; Vytautas Papinigis Affiliation


This paper presents an engineering survey based on experience of the authors during design and expertise of complex building structures in period of 2000–2014. Legal, organizational and technical aspects in a procedure of changes in structural design documentation are investigated. Separate actions for implementing changes according to legislative documents in Lithuania in technical and working structural projects are presented by a general algorithm. Actual questions about sequence in proceeding with local and global analytical calculations during designing of complex structures and peculiarities of processing revised structural drawings and text documents are described in this paper. Relevance of the subject is illustrated by an example of a successful decision in solving common construction and design problems of an office building in Vilnius. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given. This paper is an investigation of the considered problem and is designated for science researchers in civil engineering, educational and public organizations working with refinement of the design procedures and project documentation handling, and for practicing engineers.

Keyword : building project, bearing structures, design revision, structural analysis, design work example, project documentation management

How to Cite
Samofalov, M., & Papinigis, V. (2015). Design revisions of complex building structures: work experience in Lithuania, legislative, organizational and technical aspects. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 7(1), 39-49.
Published in Issue
Dec 15, 2015
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